Tuesday, September 9, 2008

An American Election 101

"Objects of the most stupendous magnitude, measures in which the lives and liberties of millions, born and unborn are most essentially interested are now before us. We are in the midst of a revolution, the most complete, unexpected, and remarkable of any in the history of the world." (John Adams speaking to delegates in writing the Declaration of Independence: Philadelphia, July, 1776)

I have been spending time with some old friends recently. Very old friends. They are so old that though their spirits have moved forward to the next life their counsel is invaluable. And during this hotly contested American election once again their ideals and principles call out to each of us from the printed page as loudly as from the platforms of the current presidential candidates & parties.

Please allow me to reintroduce these two dear friends.

Two who have had a profound impact upon American governing history and principles. Tragically, most Americans have scant heard of them or remember them. However these two loom so enormous in what America has become their architectural diagramming not only served, indirectly, in the writing of our American Constitution (though their names are never mentioned) but frankly, their input had become a catalyst of the "American way of thinking" for over two hundred years. And since it is once again "election season" I think it is high-time we ALL pay them a visit. They must be heard!

I am speaking of Adam Smith and John Locke.

Smith authored a text in the 18Th century entitled, "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations." It was the first and foremost informative and ingenious attestations to the importance and maintenance in the growth of political economies. John Locke's work, "Essay's on Human Understanding," published approximately 80 years before the writing of our Constitution, stood out as a philosophical treatise of such importance it is said to have had a profound impact on the founding fathers --especially Adams and Madison--and is reported to have had a notable influence upon their opinions on the construction and content of our US Constitution.

As today we sometimes need a "Locksmith" to get us through the front door, Smith and Locke gave us the treasured maxims of free market economic growth, and personal responsibility that would become the cornerstone of our governing principles. (Forgive me but I just couldn't resist playing with the juxtaposition of those names) In effect, both Smith and Locke's writing serve as a clarion call for a free people to govern themselves and pursue opportunity without government control or encumbrances.

Together, in a nutshell, their work could be called a handbook on how to (or how not to) govern.

It would do well for many of our young people (in fact, ALL Americans) to turn to these two legends from our past--just as I have over these last weeks--to reinforce the principles as laid out by the founding fathers in America. To be reminded of who we are supposed to be; Where we came from and if America is to continue to be great, where we should be heading. Only then can we reach the zenith within the framework of American governance as it should be!!!

Someone has stated that in this election we have a choice:
"A choice between a man who has shot missiles to protect America, and another, as a community organizer, who has only shot staples into a telephone poll." Good point!

With one party you have an over-arching bureaucratic mandate that involves, in effect, "buying" votes with governmental programs that will bankrupt the American people and create more excessive government interference into all areas. Senator's Obama and Biden offer no more than "cash cows" to the American electorate that resemble more from an episode of "Deal or No Deal" than creative, innovative, American solutions that require all of us, as Americans, working together, with our shoulder to the wheel, to achieve the common good. And unfortunately, Sen. Obama, like Deal or No Deal offers us what amounts to no more than a game of "chance" in telling us if we turn in the "lucky case" our dreams will be put into the hands of someone else (Government) and all of our problems will be solved and we'll all live happily ever after.

Not so fast!

What they don't tell you is that each of us; Yes, each of us, in turning our stuff over to government give up more control of our destiny. Yes, it is exactly like that!!! Government calls the shots!

All we need to do is act like we are in a Greyhound bus. Remember that commercial?

"Go Greyhound and leave the driving to us!" Right! Just jump on DC train to Washington and all of our problems will be solved. Not on your life, friend!

Isn't it interesting?

We spent decades working to tear down the "Berlin Wall"...the ultimate symbol of government control! And here we have the democrats spending millions of dollars, and making emotionally charged speeches overtly telling us they want to re-erect it in our American government. Of course, they'll never call it what it is, socialism, but you don't have to look to hard to recognize it for what it truly is!

Yeap, just give 'em the keys and they'll drive each of us into the "happily-ever-after" land and all of our problems are solved.

Which brings me back to why Mr. Locke and Mr. Smith's works were so important. The system of government control in their day, of course, was called a "monarchy:" The next century it was to become "Marxism." During the cold war it was called "communism;" Today it should be called what it is: The Democratic National Platform

Obviously, at this point I would like to direct your attention toward the other direction.

Senator McCain and Governor Palin:

Let me start off by saying that anyone who is/has been Governor of Alaska gets my vote! If you have never been there...you need to go! It is the most wide-open, uncontrolled range in the western hemisphere. It is absolutely breathe-taking...and as open as the Alaskan frontier is, the challenges are eclipsed no less by the exceptional opportunities it offers! In other words as folks have conquered the great north country, (Alaskan frontier), with all its obvious difficulties in doing so their individual and collective reward greatly outweighed difficulty in meeting the challenges.

And just like the new, American frontier over 200 years ago, and even today, Alaska is an example of confronting challenges and reaping the rewards of doing so. And over the years though the challenges up there and even down here have been tough, most Americans didn't just throw up their collective hands and look to someone else (like the government) for a bail out of the problems they encountered!!!

...back to the subject........

Sen. McCain's candidacy though not necessarily a perfect fit, more closely models the ideology of Smith and Locke; And, furthermore, the governing philosophies of Adams and Madison. The near perfect view with a clear, unmistakable, mandate:

Less Government is Better Government!!! And personal responsibility, in the U.S. anyway, must always trump any desire to put the government (especially Federal Government) muddling around in the affairs of our individual lives!

So, if you find yourself with some free time over the next few weeks take a trip to the public library and look up my old buddies, Adam Smith and John Locke; you'll be glad you did.

Better hurry though Novemeber 4th is right around the corner!

Tell 'em there old buddy "Gritsfed" told you to pay 'em a visit.

Go "ramblin wreck"!

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