Sunday, July 31, 2011

An Old Tactic for Obama

President Obama has now gotten what he wanted. A debt limit increase that will permit him to spend even more between now and the next election. Never mind that there will be a 12 member panel to make cuts in our spending. By the time anything happens he'll have bought off just enough constituents and voters to win re election next year (2012).

Speaking of 2012 have you ever noticed how everything this President signs doesn't take effect until after the 2012 election? Obamacare, raising of next debt ceiling, the new FBI director (Judge Moeller) was extended until 2014, etc. Makes you think long and hard about his 2ND term doesn't it?

Frankly, giving Barack Obama a 2ND term is like playing hand grenades. Sooner or later one is going to go off.

The US can't afford four more years of Barack Obama!

And I am not speaking only in terms of the economy, either. There will be an agenda to--in his words, "fundamentally change" America. As difficult as the first four years will have been the next term will be, revolutionary, in the grandest context of the liberal vernacular.

Of course, when he gets (if?) reelected and all this stuff fails as promised, after 2012, he'll readily blame Republicans for the problem. But Nero blamed Christians for the burning of Rome, didn't he? And just in case you have forgotten the Christians didn't burn Rome, Nero himself had Rome destroyed for reasons that historians tell us was to rebuild the city the way he wanted it.

I hope both Republicans and Democrats come together to block this new debt ceiling bill. That way it leaves Obama on the hook and takes away the scape-goating--at least on this issue--in the year 2012.

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